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Vizsla (Drótszörü)


Hungarian Wirehaired Pointer is a ver...

Magyar Agar

Magyar Agar

Hunting and coursing dog which hunts ...



Herding dog of Terrier type. Also sui...



The Puli is a Hungarian herding breed...

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Swat Dogs Challenge

Swat Dogs Challenge

Swat Dogs Challenge

2017. September 30.

Frisbee: Freestyle and Toss & Catch in Starter, Intermediate and Open categories, according to official UFO rules. Competition rules are available at the following link:

Dog Diving: long jump into water (yes, the one you can see in the television and on the internet ). The only difference, this time the dogs will be jumping straight into the Danube, from a specially fabricated dock, based on the official Dog Diving rules. Each competitor gets 3 jumps, the first jump will be counted as warm-up, while the 2. and 3. jump lengths will be summed to produce the final result for the competitor. Any kind of motivational tool can be used, though preferably one that floats, like a tennis ball, light frisbee, rubber duck...There will be 2 categories, Mini (40 cm's or shorter at the withers) and Maxi. The 3 best accumulated jump lengths will be awarded. 

Speedway: Who hasn't wondered how fast their dog can run? Here is the chance to find out. During the Speedway race, the dog will start running after its owner, crossing a series of gates, which will measure the dogs' speed. Motivational tools can be used. There will be 3 divisions , which will be determined based on the first run of each dog. After creating the divisions, each dog has 2 more runs, the fastest 3 of each division will be awarded. 

Registration fee: 
Freestyle: 8€/dog, from the second dog 6€
T&C: 6 €/dog, from the second dog 5€
Combined: 12€/dog, from the second dog 10€
Dog Diving: 5€/dog, from the second dog 4€ - in case time permits, additional 3 jumps out of competition: 2€
Speedway: 5€/dog, from the second dog 4€ - in case time permits, additional 3 runs out of compeition: 2€
Super-combined - UFO combined+Dog Diving+Speedway - 19€/dog, from the second dog 16€.
Players who live outside of Hungary will be able to pay on location, we don't want you wasting money on bank transfers abroad. 
Judges and additional information will be coming soon on Facebook.




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Breed Info

Vizsla (Drótszörü)


Hungarian Wirehaired Pointer is a ver...

Magyar Agar

Magyar Agar

Hunting and coursing dog which hunts ...



Herding dog of Terrier type. Also sui...



The Puli is a Hungarian herding breed...

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