The expert on dog-friendly places
Dog friendly places - Restaurant Franciska Major
Fresh ingredients - excellent food
Our restaurantteam Chef, Peter - places great emphasis on fresh and locally produced raw materials. Out greatest value lies in the freschly prepared meals. Delicious meals, great variety of dishes - many specialties. Above the all time classics we do have our special daily offers as well. Classis dessert with a new twist, home-made ice creams are awaiting our guests at the Franciska Major restaurant.
Further data
- City: Sopronkövesd
- Address: Franciska major 50.
- Phone: +36 (70) 429 6766
- E-mail:
- Link: http://www.pro-village.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pro-Village-Franciska-Major-2102606186668586/
- Dogs are allowed in the hosting unit:
- Dogs are allowed in the garden area/on the terrace:
- Drinking bowl provided: yes