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Magyar Agar

Magyar Agar

Magyar Agar

Hunting and coursing dog which hunts the game by sight. His nose is nevertheless noteworthy. He is especially skilled in coursings and race tracks, yielding good results particularly in longer distances. He is a very good companion and a loyal watch dog.

(Magyar Agár)

Origin: Hungary.


Hunting and coursing dog which hunts the game by sight. His nose is nevertheless noteworthy. He is especially skilled in coursings and race tracks, yielding good results particularly in longer distances. He is a very good companion and a loyal watch dog.



  • Group 10 Sighthounds.
  • Section 3 Short-haired Sighthounds
  • Without working trial.

Brief Historical Summary:

  • The Magyar Agar is an original hunting breed. His origin goes back to the times when the Magyars conquered the country. This is proved by archeological findings of skull bones. To increase the dog’s speed the breed was crossed with different sighthound breeds in the 19th century.

General Apperance:

  • Gives the impression of strength; bone structure and musculature very strongly developed. Elegant. 

Important Proportions:

  • The length of the body sligthly exceeds the height at the withers.
  • The length of the muzzle is approximately half of the length of the head.

Behavior / Temperament:

  • Untiring, full of stamina, fast, tough and robust. Excellent on the race-course; he is on some distances faster than the Greyhound. Somewhat reserved by nature, but not shy, sensible, intelligent and faithful. He is watchful; his instinct to protect people and their houses and property is developed, yet he is not aggressive or vicious. 



1. Head 

  • Wedge shaped with a rather broad base, seen from above and in profile. 
  • Skull: Moderately strong, broad; the forehead fairly wide. 
  • Stop: Pronounced. 
  • Nose: Relatively large, well pigmented; with large, wide open nostrils.
  • Muzzle: Strong, elongated, not too pointed.
  • Lips: Close-fitting, tight, well pigmented.
  • Jaws/Teeth: Jaws powerful, strong; well developed, strong and complete scissor bite, according to the dentition formula.
  • Cheeks: Strong, muscular.
  • Eyes: Of medium size, dark. Neither deep-set nor protruding. The expression is keen and intelligent.
  • Ears: Rather large; their texture is distinctly thick; set on at medium height, well carried rose ears clinging to the neck. When the dog is alert, they are raised up. The heavier ears are more desirable than the light ears. Permanently pricked ears are faulty.

2. Neck

  • Medium long, yet elegant, dry, muscular. Without folds. 

3. Body 

  • Withers: Well developed, muscular, long.
  • Back: Broad, straight, firm, very well muscled.
  • Loin: Very broad, straight, strongly muscled.
  • Croup: Broad, slightly sloping, strongly muscled.
  • Chest: Brisket deep and distinctly rounded for providing adequate room for the heart and the big lungs. Ribs well arched, extending far back.
  • Belly: Moderately tucked up. 

4. Tail

  • Strong, thick, set on at medium height, tapering only moderately, slightly bent, reaching to the hocks. The underside is covered with wiry hair. In repose carried hanging down; in action it may be raised up to the level of the topline.

5. Limbs 

    • General appearance : Forelegs strong and sinewy; seen from the front and the side, they are straight and parallel.
    • Shoulders: Shoulder blade moderately oblique, mobile, muscular, long.
    • Upper arm: Long, slightly slanting, muscular.
    • Elbows: Fitting flexibly to the chest, mobile, neither turned in nor out.
    • Forearm: Long, straight, of strong bone structure and with lean muscles.
    • Pastern joint: Broad and strong.
    • Pastern: Short and vertical.
    • Forefeet: Relatively big, elongated; strong pads; strong nails kept short.
    • General appearance : Hind legs well angulated, though not excessively so; strongly muscled, with plenty of bone. Seen from behind, standing parallel.
    • Upper thigh: Powerfully muscled, with muscles rather longish in shape.
    • Stifle : Moderately angulated, strong, neither turned in nor out.
    • Lower thigh: Long, with lean muscles.
    • Hock joint: Strong, well let down.
    • Metatarsus: Viewed from behind parallel, when standing and moving.
    • Hind feet: Relatively large, slightly elongated, with strong pads and nails. 

6. Gait / Movement

  • Ground covering, elastic trot; viewed from front and behind the limbs move in parallel planes.

7. Skin

  • Relatively thick, fitting well all over, without folds or dewlap.

8. Coat

  • Hair: Short, dense, coarse, smooth. In winter time a considerable amount of dense undercoat may develop.
  • Colour: All colours and combinations known in sighthounds are admitted, except the colours or colour-combinations mentioned as “Eliminating faults”.

9. Size

  • Ideal height at withers for dogs: 65 to 70 cm.
  • Ideal height at withers for bitches : 62 to 67 cm.
  • The size measured in centimetres at the withers is less important than the overall balance of the dog.

10. Faults 

  • Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. 

11. Disqualifying faults

  • Aggressive or overly shy.
  • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
  • Atypical head.
  • Undershot or overshot mouth, wry mouth.
  • One or more missing incisors or canines or premolars 2-4 or molars 1-2. More than two PM1 missing. The M3 are disregarded
  • Entropion, Ectropion. 
  • Colours: blue, blue-white, brown, wolf-grey, black and tan; tricolour


  • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding. 


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