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Charity walk for the orphans of the Miskolc kill shelter

Charity walk for the orphans of the Miskolc kill shelter

Charity walk for the orphans of the Miskolc kill shelter

2016. October 16.

***Charity walk for the orphans of the Miskolc kill shelter***

We received a call from the Miskolci Második Esély Állatvédő Alapítványsaying that the kill shelter is running with full capacity and way over it: there are 30 more dogs in the shelter than the place can bear. 
It is not only a capacity problem, but they are also running low on dog food, supplies, not mentioning the missing hygiene of the place. It is even more important now that the cold months are ahead of us. 

Mindenki fogadjon örökbe egy kiskutyát, DogSurf and Walking Dog are united to help raise awareness of the situation of the Miskolc kill shelter (which is not the only problematic place when it comes to hungarian kill shelters). 
We decided to organise a fundraiser and collect animal supplies, dog food, etc. 
Whatever you can offer for the dogs are highly appreciated!

What is needed? 
- garments that are supposed to be disposed, rags, bedding, carpets, mattresses, sponges (it only be transported chopped, so who would like to offer larger pieces of material, please cut it before you bring them)
- outgrown or unused collars, leashes
- dog bowls, plastic boxes, dishes (perfect to store food and water for the dogs)
- dog houses that are transportable
- any dog food, treats, delights, which can be stored (canned food, dry food) 
- animal health products (disinfectant, dewormer, betadine, gauze, dog-care products)

In case you can not make it to the fundraiser, you can donate money on the following link:
We are travelling to Miskolc on the 5th of november and bring everything that has been donated. We are hoping to recieve as much as we can help other kill shelters too, such as Ózd or Oroszlány. 

In case you can not be there with us on the fundraiser, UtazzItthon.huoffered us their office as a collecting point in the city. 
Address: 13th district, Radnóti Miklós utca 2. 1/116 (there is a reception where they can help you to get to the office) 
Opening hours:
MO-FRI: 8AM to 6PM
SAT: 10AM to 16PM

Hope to see you at the charity walk on the 16th of october! Do not forget to check the event for further information!





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