Hard Dog Race Wild - 2017
HDR Base was tough, but perhaps you’re looking for new challenges? Or have you just now come across the world of HDR? Then we’re expecting you too on 2 September at the motocross track in Piliscsév!
What’s waiting for you? A 12 km long track and 22 obstacles, a challenge you’ve never seen before!
You can apply here: harddograce.com/application/
Bring your family and friends who can cheer for you beside the track or participate in the FREE activities and perhaps get some good advice from experts, too.
Only 18 and above may take part in HDR Wild. Why? The Base event was not easy, but Wild is going to be really tough. You can find details on the race here: harddograce.com/race/
Don’t forget that HDR is not only a race against time: you will have to overcome the difficult obstacles, your sometimes stubborn dog and your own self. You will be tired, you will be aching and you’ll be covered in mud from top to bottom. But at the end, when you cross the finish line with your dog, you will only think of the victory you’ve achieved. You will be proud, of yourself, of your dog: the tough duo.
If you’ve already completed HDR Base, there’s only one step until you complete the ‘Challenge of the two hearts’! If you manage to complete HDR Wild, you will get – apart from the glory – the second half of the medal you received at Base. This is how the two halves will make a whole, this is how you will become one duo, this is how two hearts will beat to the same rhythm.
There will of course be spectacular dog shows, veterinary counsel with the aid of the experts from ZOETIS Hungary (www.zoetis.hu/), nutritional counsel with the aid of the experts from Hill’s Pet Nutrition. If you’re in need of gear, the products of Julius-K9 Magyarország will be available at the location. Gallica Hungary will be responsible for hydration. SINB will ensure that your dogs will be able to rest well during the event, you may even come across some of their products at the obstacles. You may also meet our ‘Selfless’ partners, who will help you become an even more responsible dog owner with their expert advice. Last but not least, you may get to know some dogs who are looking for a master.
Thank you in advance for indicating your interest in participating by pressing the ‘I’ll be there’ button! :) If you don’t just want to spectate but actually want to take part in the race, use this link to apply: harddograce.com/application/(Only those with a valid application may participate in the race!)
Further information on Hard Dog Race: harddograce.com. If you have questions or comments for us, feel free to send us an email to
- Address: Hungary - Piliscsév, Topol utca 4
- Web: http://www.harddograce.hu/esemeny/hdr-wild/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/439531449747119