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Sighthound Festival

Sighthound Festival

Sighthound Festival

2016. August 06. 2016. August 07.


IX. Ősagárd Sighthound Festival & CAC Speciality Show 

Organizer: MEOESZ Magyar Versenyagár Egyesület (

Place: Ősagárd (
Date: 06. August 2016, 10 o’clock
Entry deadline: 30. July 2016 midnight 

Online entry:
Current entry statistics:
E-mail entry address: [email protected]

Entry fee: 1. dog with catalogue: 30 €, 2. all other dogs: 25 € / dog. Baby, puppy and veteran class: 20 €. Brace, breeding-, progeny group: 20 €. Child & dog, junior handling, senior (adult) handling: free of charge.

Bank data: 
Name: Magyar Versenyagár Egyesület, bank name: Alsónémedi és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet (address: 2351 Alsónémedi, Fő út 66/a), country: Hungary, IBAN: HU27 6440 0068 3010 8856 5110 0013 SWIFT: AVTEHUHA BIC: TAKBHUHBXXX

Information: Szanka Judit, mobile: +36-30-273-5334, E-mail: [email protected]


IX. Ősagárdi Agárfesztivál / Sighthound Festival

Show classes:
Baby class: 3 - 6 months
Puppy class: 6 - 9 months
Junior class: 9 - 18 months
Intermediate class: 15 - 24 months
Open class: from 15 months
Working class: with FCI working certificate
Champion class: with adult champion certificate 
Veteran class: from 8 years
Hobby class: for neutered etc. sighthounds


Marco Sistermann (D)

  • Borzoi
  • Greyhound
  • Whippet 
  • FCI Group V.: Cirneco dell’Etna, Podenco Canario, Podenco Ibicenco, Podengo Portugues, Pharaoh Hound
  • FCI non-recognized breeds: Kritikos Lagonikos, Podenco Andaluz, Taigan, Silken Windsprite

Elmar Sistermann (D)

  • Afghan Hound
  • Magyar Agár
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Hobby class

Juhász Csilla (H)

  • Irish Wolfhound
  • Deerhound
  • Azawakh
  • Sloughi
  • Saluki
  • Chart Polski
  • Galgo Espanol

Reserve judge: Szanka Judit

Titles: HPJ, CAC, BOB, Baby BIS, Puppy BIS, Junior BIS, Veteran BIS, BIS, Res.BIS.

Prizes: Each participant will receive a gift. Trophies for the winners.

Please enclose to the entry form: copy of pedigree, if necessary the champion certificate or the working certificate and proof of payment! 

Advertisement in the catalogue: 20 € / page.

Please, as far as possible, wear appropriate clothing for your sighthound breed! The best clothing will be rewarded. 

Camping in Ősagárd is free of charge! 

Ősagárd is a tiny village in Nógrád County, in Mt. Cserhát, that is 50 km from Budapest. According to the researches by the local people, the village was named after the local sighthound breeders and owners. One proof is the prancing sighthounds in the coat of arms of the village. Magyar Agár was pronounced to national treasure and symbol of Hungary by the Parliement. The Sighthound Festival in Ősagárd is the result of the cooperation of Magyar Versenyagár Egyesület (Hungarian Racing Sighthound Association) and Élő Nemzeti Kincseink Alapítvány (Living National Treasures Foundation). The plan is to repeat the festival each and every summer. We dreamt about a real festival with a fair storm, handicraft, flea market, Goulash soup, strapačky, beer tent, good cheer and all day programs for free. Initial program is the pageant in costumes in which the costumes match the origin of the sighthound breed (Hungarian, English, Scottish, Irish, Polish, Italian, Arabic, Spanish and Russian). Pageant is for the horsemen and their horse and the 9 native Hungarian breeds as well. In the meanwhile, presenters following each other on the stage: acting company, performers of the Interoperetta, musical and operetta hits, opera items, folk dance, dog craftwork performances and selecting best sighthound of the day. Day terminates with a light music concert.

Solo race + Beauty & Performance Prize

Organizer: MAVE
Type of race: Solo race
Datum: 07. August 2016
Entry deadline: 30. July 2016 midnight

Online entry:

Entry fee: 1-3. dog from the same owner: 20 € / dog, from the 4. dog: 10 € / dog.

Place: 2351 Alsónémedi, Főúti erdő 11. 
GPS coordinates:47.29159, 19.18421

Starting time: 10 o’clock
Check-in: from 8 to 9 o’clock
Distance: 280 meters
Track: Double „U” shaped, sand surface, Schultz System
Timing: Video with photo-finish

Method of progress: 2 compulsory preliminary races, ranking after the best time.

Prizes: Prizes for the best 6 sighthounds.

Beauty-Performance Prize for those participants which fulfilled both challenges: show and race.





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