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Service dog org. - Doktor Mancsok Alapítvány - Gödöllő
Doctor Paws Animal Assisted Therapy Foundation (Doktor Mancsok Állatasszisztál Terápiás Közhasznú Alapítvány)
Further data
- County Gödöllő
- Address: Remsey Jenő körút 15
- Phone number: +36 (20) 912-1233
- E-mail:
- Link: http://www.doktormancsok.hu/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doktormancsok
Our goal is to make the animal-assisted therapy more popular by spreading it in a wider cirle so that people will know more about its positive effects. We aim to reach as many educational and social institutions as possible. With the help of our therapy dogs we would like to contribute to the mental and physical development of those living with a disability and also healthy children, adults and the elderly people. Our therapy dogs colour the educational environments and break the everyday monotony of social and nursing homes.