The expert on dog-friendly places
Breed rescue - Russell Rescue, Hungary - Budapest
Russells and alikes looking for loving families, even in abroad. Adopt a Russell!
Further data
- County Budapest
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jack-Parson-Russell-terrier-Fajtament%C3%A9s-Russell-Rescue-Hungary-121599541245824/
Adopt a Russell ad save a life!
Russell type doggies that live in shelters, dog pounds or temporary adopters. Most of them are vaccined and dewormed, some of them are neutered, or must be neutered at their new home. Many times, we have given dogs successfully to abroad. When adopting a Russell dog from Hungary, you only have to pay for the veterinary fees and the food of the dog, no special (basic) fee is charged. (And of course the shipping costs, if you want the doggie to be shipped to you.)

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