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10 simple tips to keep your dog healthy

08:00 - 31 January 2024

Author: M.Lilla

Category: Useful

Body, Mind, Soul. If these are balanced, we can lead a balanced and harmonious life. The same applies to our dogs. Here are some useful tips that could add years to your pooch’s life.

1. Healthy diet, healthy weight

More and more owners decide to feed their dog raw, while others begin to experiment with vegan diet. Still, dry dog chows have a wide  circle of purchasers. Whatever you choose to feed your dog, pay attention to quality and stick to the portion prescribed for your dog according to his age, size, activity and weight. If possible, feed your pet on a set schedule. Some vegetables may be approproate for midday snacks. Be careful with treats, try some organic bites instead.


A healthy diet helps you keep your dog healthy
A healthy diet helps you keep your dog healthy


2. Stay fit and active

Get your dog the exercise it needs by taking the dog jogging, walking, or running on a regular basis. A nice walk or hiking out in the nature, jogging together, learning new tricks or your pet’s favourite sport could be perfect programs for both of you, especially if your dog needs not only physical but mental tasks, too. You should adopt a schedule as well that will ensure that you and your dog are getting the physical activity that you need in order to stay in proper shape.


Agility, jogging, swimming... Dogs need regular exercise
Agility, jogging, swimming... Dogs need regular exercise


3. Get yourself out there

Both dogs and people are social creatures who cannot live in isolation for long periods of time. Dogs benefit from spending time with other dogs. Take your pet out to designated dog parks where they can play and become adjusted to the presence of others from a young age.


Playing and socializing with other dogs is crucial for dogs
Playing and socializing with other dogs is crucial for dogs


4. Love and affection

Dog, like humans, need positive interaction to survive. Dog’s must be given attention and affection in order to remain happy. Admit it, we all love to spoil our pooches with caresses and a hugs.


Dog kisses and unconditional love
Dog kisses and unconditional love


5. Keep a clean and healthy home

Maintaining a home environment that is free of toxins, dangerous plants and harmful chemicals will lessen the chances that your dog will become ill or develop allergies. A safe and clean home will help us keep our pets safe and healthy.


Teach your dog the basic rules to stay safe at home
Teach your dog the basic rules to stay safe at home


6. Build a relationship with your dog

As your relationship grows, so does your mutual health when the right routines are established for both you and your pet. Maintaining a stabile and balanced relationship between you and your dog has a positive affect on both of you. It helps you stay healthy and it will bring more peace and harmony to your everydays.


Love and acceptance are essential for a happy relationship with your dog
Love and acceptance are essential for a happy relationship with your dog 


7. Spay/Neuter

Not only will getting your male dog neutered lengthen and improve his quality of life, it will also stop him from spraying or territorial marking, fighting with other males (over females), and wandering away from home. Ont he other hand  spaying your female dog will keep your from unnecessary litters – we all know how many puppies end up in shelters... Besides we can prevent serious health problems and illnesses in the future.


Spaying/neutering can help you keep your dog healthy
Spaying/neutering can help you keep your dog healthy


8. Take care of your dog’s teeth

Tooth decay is common, as your dog ages, but it can lead to other health problems for them. Brush your dog’s teeth as much as possible, save a few minutes every day for dental hygiene. There are even bones and toys sold at pet stores that can really help improve your pet’s dental hygiene.


Clean your dog's teeth on a daily basis
Clean your dog's teeth on a daily basis


9. Let your dog relax

Yes, this does mean give them a break. While it’s important to love your dog, they need time to relax on their own – a peaceful and quiet siesta on a daily basis. A dog can become stressed if they’re constantly anxious or on the go. A relaxing midday nap and a tranquil night sleep will help them keep balanced and happy.


A peaceful and quiet sleep is essential for both puppies and adult dogs
A peaceful and quiet sleep is essential for both puppies and adult dogs


10. Get checkups and vaccinations

These checkups give the vet a chance to catch any diseases, infections or health problems that could be potentially detrimental later on. Experts suggest at least one appointment a year after they’re full grown but about two to four visits per year while they are puppies.


Take your dog to the vet for regular checkups
Take your dog to the vet for regular checkups

Index image source:
First appearance of this article: 2016. March 29.
Translated: Maurer Lilla

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