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Travelling with your dog in the airplane's cabin?

11:00 - 29 October 2015

Author: M.Lilla

Category: Useful

We have recently found a lovely photo about a little vizsla travelling in the cabin of a Lufthansa airplane. We have contacted the airline to learn more about this option. While we are waiting for their answer, please read Agnes' story.

"I first contacted different airlines to find out what their policy was on pet in cabin. Than I chose Lufthansa. I told them this vizsla is my comfort dog and they wanted in writing a letter from my counselor. 
I have been to a counselor since my son, Ronald was murdered. Plus in the last 5-6 years had a lot of stress dealing with my elderly parents. My father passed 2 years ago, my mother has dementia/alzheimers. On top of it all my beloved vizsla, Max died in January. I obtained another letter from my personal Doctor stating that I lost my pet, my son and he highly recommends getting another dog to help me with depression.


Missy travelling in the Lufthansa airline's cabin
Missy travelling in the Lufthansa airline's cabin
Photo courtesy: Agnes Gibboney


I did everything I could to have my Missy with me. Life presented me with difficult situations for which I had and have no control of. I'm not proud of depression but my heart is again full of love. Losing my soulmate Max was the hardest thing ever. I had him cremated and had some of his ashes with me when we went to meet Missy and finally pick her up before our flight.

So...I faxed the letters to Lufthansa, they responded via email that I was approved to bring a pet in cabin. I contacted the airline to make sure they had the information. I felt very stressed because they told me the maximum weight was 8kg including the carrying case.

In Hungary the breeder obtained the pet passport, immunizations records, chips and pedigree papers. The new US laws require that the puppy get rabies shot, which is given at 3 months, plus you have to wait 30 days before entering the United States, meaning the puppy is now 4 months. We got a kennel (just incase) they wouldn't allow Missy to go in cabin, but left it in the car.


Missy, the vizsla sleeping peacefully in the cabin
Missy, the vizsla sleeping peacefully in the cabin
Photo courtesy: Agnes Gibboney


At the counter, they checked all documentation for Missy, read the letters, made a call, then told me I had to pay $50 from Budapest to Frankfurt. We walked through the checkpoint without a problem, in the airport Missy walked on a leash. They never brought up the fact that she was 10-12 kilos. I think the letters stating my need for a comfort dog did it. Even though I knew 8kg was the max.

I also upgraded our return flight tickets to premium coach to allow for more leg room, I wonder if that helped too, since they didn't charge us excess baggage weight.

And finally one more thing: the airline employee in the US cannot ask specific information about your health or mental health!"


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me: Agnes Gibboney:


Source: Agnes Gibboney
Index image source: Agnes Gibboney
Translated: Maurer Lilla (

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