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The healing power of love – a Husky adopted an orphaned kitten

13:00 - 03 September 2017

Author: M.Lilla

Category: Lifestyle

They thought the tiny kitten wouldn’t make it to the next day. But then something magical happened that no one expected. Read the incredible story of Rosie and Lilo.

Rosie, the kitten was nearly 3 weeks old when the family found her. She was so weak that she could hardly take a single step without help. Her condition was terrible, she was sick and tired – and lonely. Her rescuers took her home, cared for her but they didn’t really believe that she would ever recover... Rosie’s tiny body lacked all strength, her little heart pumped slower. Everyone waited hopefully for her to wake up next morning. 


Lilo, the Husky lady and Rosie, the kitten
Lilo, the Husky lady and Rosie, the kitten


However, the family’s dog, Lilo believed in the kitten and she proved that the healing power of love can do a miracle. The Siberian Husky lady decided to take care of Rosie and patiently guarded every single step she made. Though Lilo has never had puppies before her maternal instincts came alive: she cleaned the kitten fondly and let her cuddle with her – much to the family’s surprise. The dog certainly felt that Rosie needed help so she gave her what she needed the most: love, warmth and safety. 


Rosie cuddling with Lilo
Rosie cuddling with Lilo


Rosie and her stepmother bonded from the first minute and they are inseparable now. After a week of tender care, the little kitten’s eyed opened and she took her first clumsy steps alone. Slowly, she became stronger and during the next couple of months, she has turned into a lively and playful cat. She feels wonderful in her loving family and she follows Lilo everywhere, she even accompanies her big furry stepmom to the park whenever they go for a walk. 


Lilo and Rosie smiling to the camera
Lilo and Rosie smiling to the camera


Rosie and Lilo in the park
Rosie and Lilo in the park 


Adoption is relatively rare among different species. Nevertheless we can find amazing examples of friendships between dogs and cats and the probably the most beautiful are those, where an adult canine adopts a kitten or vice versa. Though science states that their conflict originates from prehistoric times, today dogs and cats live in peaceful harmony in most homes. Rosie’s heartwarming photos give us a wonderful proof.


Rosie, Lilo and friends
Rosie, Lilo and friends


Rosie and her Husky family
Rosie and her Husky family


Visit lilothehusky for more lovely pictures of Rosie and her four-legged family. 


Index image source:
First appearance of this article: 2015. October 31.
Translated: Maurer Lilla

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