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Herding your friends? Here's the technique

13:00 - 02 November 2015

Author: S.Zs.

Category: Lifestyle

We can’t get enough of videos about dogs. Here’s our new favourite: an ad about a group of shepherds who decide to give an extraordinary herding task to their smart border collie.

Guinness gives us a new aspect of the sheepherders' life. Do they have fun? And if they do, how? Let’s imagine the following:


’Oh, these poor young people’ - they think to themselves. They don’t know how to live their lives or how to fave a little fun either. We should help them find the right path, so instead of sitting in their rooms all day watching TV or dancing the night away with pretty ladies… and the worst: spending endless hours on their mobile phones… What a waste of time! We could show them something new, like how great it is to drink a bottle of tasty Guinness beer while chatting with friends in the pub.

And their solution is quite similar to a traditional sheepdog trial. Look and learn. :)



Perhaps my favorite commercial of all time

Szerző: Paul Goossens, 2015. március 17.

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